Low Poly: Confined Infinity

Low Poly: Confined Infinity

It used to have a negative connotation. If something was low poly, people often overlooked what might be good about a game. I think this misconception originates from the idea that low poly was once synonymous with bad graphics, a game meant for a low-end machine, or...
Designing Backwards, Staying Coherent.

Designing Backwards, Staying Coherent.

Warning: Programmer art ahead. Bar the orange backgrounds, made by Eric Grossman. What we’re talking about I swear it isn’t as scary as it sounds There are two core words I’ll be throwing around throughout this post: Concept and Mantra. Concepts are...
Creating a New Type of (Flying) Game

Creating a New Type of (Flying) Game

Warning: Programmer Art Ahead. When designing our upcoming game, InnerSpace, we quickly hit a question we run by all our game ideas: “What makes this a unique experience?” I’ll approach this question in a broader sense, but mostly in the context of...